The release of the 0.3.45 is now !

Hi guys,

I hope you are doing well !

Let me share you the last version of the game. I will provide you a serious changelog right after the content of the game.

L34ND34 have worked on the walktrough this month, dunno how is it goin, but that's good for me XD less work on this side.

A big thanks to N3wb_4_l1f3  for continuing improving the english translation (it take a lot of time).

and finally Etsilone continue to test the game again and again for find some annoying bug.

The next release will (ofc) be on patreon and on but also on steam maybe first of june (but let's say, a little later for be reasonnable ! If you want to help the game, don't forget to wishlist and leave a review when the game come :)

Changelog :

 -5 new picture (domicia arc)

 -13 new scene domicia arc

 -The intro stats screen show now the minus in difficulty %

 -A lot of translation file have been checked by our special agent (N3wb_4_l1f3)

 -Correction of bug in the quest interface.

 -The love bread is now setup later in the game

 -Some minor change on object :

 -bread credit 15->18

 -friandise credit 40->30

 -love bread regen pv -> 35 -> 25 pm 10->20

 -A new weapon

 -A new passive skill (related to the quest)

 -new skin for domicia

 -Showing of blocked damage in battle popup

 -Skip unit turn if no action is taken

 -And a lot of minor fix.

That's all

Have a good day.

Files 743 MB
May 28, 2024 728 MB
May 28, 2024
pleasuremancer0345standart.apk 766 MB
May 28, 2024

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